Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Future of Water

Ralph Borland from TACTIC will be curationg the next show at the Science Gallery called "The Future of Water."

Water is a potentially all-encompassing theme – from the amazing physical properties of water, to its destructive and life-giving power in nature, and its role in both human development and conflict. It flows through us, as blood, sweat and tears. It is venerated, coveted, spoiled and fought over. It has as many meanings and functions as it has physical forms; we regularly encounter water as liquid, solid and vapour. Water can be soothing, an instrument of healing, accelerated through water cannon as a weapon, or used to cut rock and metal. One billion people lack access to it in its most valuable form, as clean drinking water. Clean water is running out – and around the world it is used as a weapon of power and a tool in political conflict.

The exhibition will include existing and proposed innovations and inventions around water, artworks on the theme of water, and artifacts that reveal the different ways in which water is used and perceived of. The exhibition will extend beyond the gallery through workshops, events and off-site projects. Alongside artwork, designed objects and documentary artifacts, FUTURE OF WATER will include special live performances, innovative installations, unique physical and mental experiences, high-profile talks, discussions and debates, web-focused interactions, games and collaborative experience.

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